
Escape Room 2

Espectacle en català.
95 minutes

La porta es torna a obrir.

Van jurar que mai més tornarien a fer un "Escape Room"...

El joc no ha fet més que començar.

Authorship: Joel Joan and Hèctor Claramunt
Direction: Hector Claramunt
Joel Joan - Edu
Paula Vives / Marta Codina - Marina
Borja Espinosa / Roger Batalla - Rai
Agnès Busquets / Mónica Pérez - Viky
Irene Jódar / Marta Codina - Max

With the special collaboration of: Lluís Soler  

Scenography: Enric Planas
Vestuary: Nidia Tusal
Lighting: Mingo Albir
Soundspace: Darío Diaz
Characterization: Imma Capell
Executive production: Nuria Costas, Joel Joan and Hèctor Claramunt
Technical direction: Moi Cuenca  
Technical coordination: David Ruiz  
Management Assistant: Marta Albert
Scenography assistant: Elisabet Rovira
Costume helper: Marta Pell
Department: Maddi Zamalloa
Hardware: Samu Schlechter and Xavier Llombart
Specialist technician In Extremis: Mario Rubio
No theatre technician: Jordi Ballbé
Theatre technicians: Aleix Arbonès and Víctor Bartolomé 
Scenography construction: Pascualin Estructures, Taller d’escenografia Castells, Jorba-Miró Estudi-Taller d’escenografia, In Extremis Film Services
Video Mounting: Felipe Bravo and Jordi Arañó, Cubica
Effect Supervisor: Pep Claret
Effect production: Míriam Giménez

Students in scenography practices: Cèlia Pujol (LCI Barcelona)

Marketing and communication: Focus
Photo: David Ruano
Graphic design: Santi&Kco
Video Mounting: Felipe Bravo and Jordi Arañó

Collaborators: Munich Sports, Zen Eyewear

Acknowledgments: Mag Lari and Toni Cruanyes
With the support of: Generalitat de Catalunya - ICEC Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals
It is a production by Arriska, Nakatomi and Focus


escape room 2 al teatre condal de barcelona
escape room 2 al teatre condal de barcelona