
La Regenta

Show in Spanish
105 minutes
la regenta distribució

A story about the confrontation between the overflowing passion of desires and love against the chains of provincial social morality and betrayal.

Set in the city of Vetusta, La Regenta, published in 1884, is one of the great novels of 19th century Spanish literature and one of the most important in history, according to many critics.

It is a naturalistic work that harshly portrays the atmosphere of a provincial city dominated by an idle upper class and a clergy that imposes a hypocritical and suffocating morality. Ana Ozores is the protagonist, a beautiful and young girl who marries Don Víctor Quintanar, former regent of the Vetusta Court, much older than her, selfish, and who lives in a certain way in a world that has nothing to do with reality.

Ana feels overwhelmed in her marriage and, due to her frustration, is trapped by Don Álvaro, the town’s seductive, and by her own confessor, Don Fermín de Pas, who longs to make her his wife.

Author: Leopoldo Alas Clarín
Adaptation: Eduardo Galán
Direction: Helena Pimienta

Joaquín Notazrio – Don Víctor Quintanar
Francesc Galcerán – Don Cayetano and Frígilis
Alex Gadea – Don Fermín
Ana Ruiz – Ana Ozores
Pepa Pedroche – Doña Paula
Lucía Serrano – Petra and Visit
Jacobo Dicenta – Álvaro Mesía
Alejandro Arestegui – Vegallana

Scenography design: José Tomé and Marcos Carazo
Vestuary design: Yaiza Pinillos
Lighting design: Nicolás Fischtel
Original music and sound space: Iñigo Lacasa
Choreography: Nuria Castejón

Production direction: Luis Galán
Executive production: Secuencia 3
Technical coordination: Luis García

Deputy director: José Tomé
Assistant director: Almudena Ramos
Production and communication: Beatriz Tovar and Borja Galán
Production assistant: Inma Almagro
Vestuary: Sastrería Cornejo
Makeup and hair: Roberto Palacios
Transportation: Miguel Ángel Ocaña

Financial legal department: Marina C. Feliu
Administration: Gestoría Magasaz
Poster photography: Juan Carlos Arévalo
Graphic design: Hawork Studio (Alberto Valle, Raquel Lobo and Sara Ruiz)

Distribution: Ginés Sánchez and Sergio Bethancourt

It’s a production of Secuencia 3 in coproduction with El Teatro Fernán Gómez, Centro Cultural de la Villa with the collaboration of Serveis de l’espectacle Focus, Pentación, Saga Producciones, Hawork Studio and Olympia Metropolitana

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