An epic confrontation between two of the most important philosophers in history.
A passionate and enriching debate between two of the most brilliant men of the Enlightenment, spiritual fathers of the French Revolution, which reminds us that “we have to know how to cultivate our own garden”; directed and performed masterfully by Josep Mª Flotats together with Pep Planas.
Authorship: Jean-François Prévand
Dramaturgy and direction: Josep Maria Flotats
Translation: Salvador Oliva
Josep Maria Flotats – Voltaire
Pep Planas – Rousseau
Voice over: Arnau Puig
Scenic space: Josep Maria Flotats
Vestuary: Renato Bianchi
Lighting: Insuel
Production management: Maite Pijuan
Executive production: Gloria Casanova
Technical office management: Moi Cuenca
Technical Office: Jordi Farràs
Management and council assistant: Montse Alacuart
Production assistant: Sira Castells
Machinist: Javier Castrillón
Sound technical: Pablo Leal
Tour technician chief, lighting and sound technician: Antonio Vilicic
Marketing and communication: Teatre Romea
Graphic design: Santi&Kco
Thanks: Jordi Bonet
With the support of: Generalitat de Catalunya- ICEC Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals
Distribution: Carme Tierz (
It is a production of Teatre Romea