
Focus creates, designs and plans the campaign, by OVO, the Cirque du Soleil show


OVO, the Spectáculo del Cirque du Soleil, bequeaths to Gijón. Focus has the task of creating, dissearar and planning the marketing field, ventas management, public management and ticketing of the specific.

OVO will be released on 26 July in the “Palacio de Deportes de la Guía Presidente Adolfo Suárez”, donde hará funciones hasta on 6 August in an improrrogable manner.

The Spectáculo is a gaze that is a colorful living ecosystem, donde los insectos trabajan, comen, seplazan, revolotean, juegan, luchan and they seek love in a continuo despliegue de energía y movimiento. Cuando un misterioso huevo aparece entre ellos,los insectos se quedan atónitos y sienten intense curiosidad por este objeto icónico.

In Montreal in 2009, OVO has moved 7 million people in 155 people from 26 different countries.