Grans Teatrerus is a social project of the Grup Focus that aims to contribute to combating unwanted loneliness among elderly and promoting active aging through theater and culture.

Grans Teatrerus also wants to promote generational links between elderly and young with the theater as a connecting link and center of interest, from the perspective of spectators and users.

During the 2023-2024 season, a pilot test is carried out in the Raval neighborhood of Barcelona, where the Teatre Romea and the Teatre Goya of the Grup Focus.

The Grans Teatrerus.

An older person and a young person will go to the theater together. They will share the experience in its entirety, from the moment they leave home until they return, they will see a theatrical show and talk about it.


  • over 75 years of age in a situation and/or risk of unwanted loneliness
  • theater lovers and regular audiences
  • who have stopped going to the theater due to lack of company, but want to share their cultural background and their experience as theater spectators


  • between 18 and 30 years old
  • with a vocation to share time, attention and experience with elderly
  • interested in performing arts and culture

What are the goals of the Grans Teatrerus project?

  • contribute to reducing unwanted loneliness
  • encourage the generalization of healthy cultural habits
  • enhance culture as a factor of well-being and health
  • encourage intergenerational relationships and bonding
  • generate cultural volunteering dynamics
  • commitment to the SDGs, particularly health and well-being, gender equality, and inequality of opportunities

Eva García
project coordinator
Healthy Aging Driving Group of the Raval Community Health area, made up of:

Barcelona Public Health Agency
Tarradellas Municipal Center for the Elderly
Trueta Municipal Center for the Elderly
Raval Nord Primary Care Center (Lluis Sayé)
Raval Sud Primary Care Center (Astilleros)
Raval Nord Social Services Center
Raval Sud Social Services Center
El Milenario Day Center
Ciutat Vella District
Pla de Barris Raval Sud
Accompaniment and Prevention of Loneliness Project (PAPS)
Proyecto Vínculos
Tot Raval Foundation
Friends of the Elderly Foundation

Xavifòrnia (Ràdio 4-RNE)

Entrevista a dues parelles de la iniciativa Grans Teatrerus

La nit dels ignorants Catalunya Ràdio)

Entrevista a Martina Ramos i Lluís Guàrdia, una de les parelles de Grans Teatrerus

Tot és comèdia (Cadena SER)

Entrevista a Pepita Angulo, una de les participants de la iniciativa Grans Teatrerus

Planta Baixa (TV3)

Reportatge sobre Grans Teatrerus, parelles de joves i persones grans, que comparteixen el gust pel teatre. Els hem acompanyat en una nit al Teatre Romea (a partir del 1h:10m:10s)

La Vanguardia

Reportatge sobre el projecte Grans Teatrerus

Tot es mou (TV3)

Entrevista a Pepe Zapata, impulsor del projecte Grans Teatrerus, i a Pepita Angulo i Nura Lufti, una de les parelles del projecte Grans Teatrerus (a partir del 4m:35s)