
Tot L’any Pot Ser Nadal arrives at the Teatre Romea


On December 2, a version of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” starring Joan Pera arrives at the Teatre Romea Tot l’any pot ser Nadal. The show is written by Jaume Vinyas and directed by Daniel Anglès.

Joan Pera takes to the stage in a great interpretive exercise to put herself in the shoes of Charles Dickens’ most iconic character, the famous Ebenezer Scrooge. Tot l’any pot ser Nadal explores Dickens’s mythical “A Christmas Carol” from a perspective never seen before. Joan Pera will not only embody the famous miser of the story, but, apart from giving voice, body and soul to the rest of the characters in the auca, he will live the entire narrative from the perspective of Grandfather Juan, Scrooge’s alter ego.

This Christmas we invite you to spend a time full of humor, joy and tenderness with this new show by our most beloved actor!