How would you define yourself as a theatre-goer? What do you like, what don’t you like? What kinds of shows do you like? What “hobbies” do you have? What habits? Who do you usually go there with?
I don’t go to everything, but I don’t miss anything. In particular, I don’t care about anything they do in La Villarroel or anything I’ve heard (radio, friends) that maybe a good show.
I don’t really like works “for everyone”, I like works that move me, are difficult or demand full attention. I am happy with 3-hour plays and small-format plays in theaters of 40 people.
My mania is to always seek to be close to the actors (happy in the front rows!). Once the work has been selected, I don’t like to read the plot very much and I usually read the booklet at the exit, once I’ve experienced the work. I also have the mania, whenever I can, of, after seeing a play, walking home (or at least walking as much as possible to be able to reflect on the experience).
I can go alone (I really enjoy it, especially if I’m having a bad day) or accompanied by my friends. We usually go in a group of two women. I change persona depending on the show. I know that with some I can go to one type of work and with others to another. With whom I also know that I can go to everything is my eldest daughter, a great consumer of theater and dance (and half-actress) since she was very young.

What other cultural activities, beyond the theatre, do you usually practice?
Concerts and music festivals. dance Art exhibitions.
What is the best memory you have of a La Villarroel show?
Archimedes’ principle marked me, I admit. From then on I look for everything to surprise me or challenge me or move me in some way like it was the day I saw that work.
What about the other Focus theaters (Teatre Romea, Teatre Goya, Teatre Condal)?
I also go to Romea a lot. Al Goya depends on the work and Condal almost never.
From Romea comes the memory of the pleasure of getting there, crossing the Rambla, having something before or after the work in the surrounding streets. Feeling and seeing the tourist Barcelona and the migrant and vulnerable Barcelona, mixed with the warmth of the grandmothers of the Sunday afternoon theater is a special broth to add to a good work. The last work that struck me and left me moved was that of Pere Arquillué (The most beautiful body that will ever have been found in this place).
What are your expectations for this season of La Villarroel? What would you highlight from the scheduled shows? What surprised you the most? What do you most want to see?
I loved History of a Boar. If I already liked Joan Carreras (spectacular in America), now I’m even more of a fan and I’ll follow him wherever he goes (so I’ll soon see him at Beckett).
What I want to see the most: Smiley, Elling and repeating L’Illa deserta.
The one that doesn’t appeal to me much and I’m surprised that it’s in La Villarroel is Conspiranoia (I see it, a priori, more for Goya). Maybe later it will surprise you, but I wouldn’t go to see it at first because, maybe I’m wrong, but it seems like a comedy “for everyone”.
With which 3 values do you associate the experience of going to La Villarroel?
Reflections on life.
What is your main motivation to be a member of the Public Council of La Villarroel?
The truth is that it is a gift, so being able to be close to who chooses the works, who directs them and who interprets them is very enriching. And what’s more, being able to comment on it and share the experience with other people on the Council who enjoy theater so much and know so much about it. What a dream! Thanks!
What do you think the Public Council can be used for?
To improve the experience of going to the theater. Help the Focus Group adjust what can still be adjusted and reach more audiences. That you can better profile the style of the works that each theater hosts, looking for a joint proposal that appeals to everyone: those looking for more complex works, those who want to spend some time, those who want to reflect and those who just want to heal of the bad weather I hope that the evaluations of the members of the Public Council will help you in all this.
What do you think you can contribute as a member of the Public Council?
Honesty, a desire to help and share, and to make known as much as possible the works of the season, as well as the initiative.